Moving Together

Moving Together is a fortnightly project that uses movement, togetherness and food as tools for improving mental health for women who are either Refugee and Asylum experienced, or women of the Global Majority in the North East.

We come together every two weeks to move our bodies, to pay attention to how our bodies feel, to build confidence, be creative and share a lovely lunch after the session.
We laugh a lot too.

Artistic Director Nadia leads the sessions, alongside Michaela, our artist at Company of Others. All sessions are free, take place at The Bricks in Walker, and travel expenses are provided.

“I’m really happy when I come here because I don’t have anything in my mind, I don’t think about anything, only myself. I make friends here and also I improve my English because I try to speak English here. After the class I’m more relaxed and I have positive energy. I try to start my week with positive energy”
Manasik, Moving Together member

The dates of upcoming sessions are:
18th March, 10:30am-12:30pm
1st April, 10:30am-12:30pm
8th April, 10:30am-12:30pm

If you, or someone you know would like to come, please message Lily, our Artistic Coordinator on 07708470477 or email to let us know.

Moving Together is part of our Resist programme of work until 2025, and is funded by Baring Foundation.