Rooted in Movement

Company of Others is an Artist led organisation, and whilst we’re not an artist development organisation or agency, we know how important it is for artists to have time to play, discover and dream. We’ve created our artist development offer with these 3 aims at the core, with no artistic output expected. We’re delighted to be able to increase our artist support offer this year, due to a partnership with Kala Sangam, where Company of Others are Associate Company.

This is the second time we’ve led a process like this, and have tried to make the application as lightweight and simple as possible, and artist reporting kept to a minimum. We know how much labour can be involved in both, and we want to be part of the solution not the problem. 

Our programme consists of Travel Bursaries & Residencies at The Bricks, our home in Walker, and now at Kala Sangam in Bradford. This programme is only for artists who have lived experience of being ‘othered’ by the society they live in, who are North of England based, and whose primary artistic practise is movement.

Deadlines for applications to both programmes has been extended to Monday 4 November 2024, at midday. All applications should be emailed to with ROOTED IN MOVEMENT in the subject line.

The deadline for this years programme has now passed, but we’re leaving the application details here to give an understanding of what is required at application stage:

Artists can apply for both a Travel Bursary and a Residency, or either, residencies are limited to 1 per artist. 

If you received Rooted in Movement support in the last round, you are unable to apply to the same strand in this round. For instance, if you received a paid residency, you are unable to apply for another paid residency but you could apply for a travel bursary.

Rooted Travel Bursaries:

Our travel bursaries are for North of England based, movement focused artists whose personal ancestry has roots beyond the borders of the UK. The bursaries aim to provide artists with time to explore their practise elsewhere, to connect more deeply to the land and culture of their chosen place, which must be outside of the UK, and build artistic connections there. 

If an artist is a Refugee or Sanctuary Seeker, or is unable to travel to a place connected to their ancestry for safety reasons, we would absolutely welcome an application for them to travel somewhere else, that has a connection to their movement practise or artists they would like to connect with.

All applicants who satisfy the application requirements will be entered into an online tool alongside the other applicants, and a name will be drawn at random. 

Amount: 2 x bursaries of £2500

Application requirements:

* Maximum 1 side of A4:
Confirming you are based in the North
Telling us about your practise 
Details of your chosen destination and why you want to go there 
Some information on what you hope to get out of the trip
*Overview budget on how you will spend £2500
*Completed Monitoring Form 

Reporting requirements:

*One to one discussion with Company of Others’ Artistic Director & CEO no later than one month after return from trip
*Final budget breakdown and evidence of expenditure

All trips must be completed by April 2025. 

Rooted Residencies @ The Bricks & Kala Sangam:

Our residencies are for North of England based, movement focussed artists who need time and resource to experiment, play and nurture their practise. We don’t want to prescribe what you use the residency for so the residencies can be used for making or developing a specific piece of work, but it’s not a requirement. You might want to spend the time alone, or you might want to invite others to join you. 

Residencies can be for up to 2 weeks, (you know best how long would be useful), which can be used consecutively, or intermittently, i.e. a two week block or 1 day a week for 10 weeks, and anything in between. 

Amount: 2 x Residencies with £1750 cash support per residency at The Bricks in Newcastle, 1 x Residency with £1750 cash support at Kala Sangam in Bradford.
All residencies have the option of a one to one support session with the Artistic Director and CEO of Company of Others, or the Creative Director of Kala Sangam if useful.

Application requirements:

* Maximum 1 side of A4:
Confirming you are based in the North
Telling us about your practise and what you would use your residency for
Some information on what you hope to get out of the residency, and any additional support you would like from Company of Others or Kala Sangam.
*Overview budget on how you will spend £1750
*Completed Monitoring Form

Reporting requirements:

*One to one discussion with Company of Others’ Artistic Director & CEO no later than one month after residency
*Final budget breakdown and evidence of expenditure

All residencies must take place before April 2025

There’ll be a Q&A to support artists in making an application, and to ask questions about what each strand can and can’t be used for, though we’re leaving that as open as possible so artists can determine what is most helpful for them.

If you have any questions about the programme please email: